I believe that the healing process of emotional wounds is innate but can be derailed due to particular life experiences. The therapist’s role is to provide a safe and stimulating relational environment to allow the client’s tensions to be fully expressed, explored and understood. The therapist and client become intimate partners who work together intellectually and emotionally to develop and try out more satisfying ways of living (improved “psychic software”). The therapeutic matrix becomes a learning play-field for developing skills to reduce suffering and to increase the capacity to enjoy work, love and play. I believe that the Serenity Prayer, attributed to the theologian-philosopher Reinhold Niebuhr, inspires most helpful and useful guidance : “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
Presenting an ongoing clinical discussion group at American psychoanalytic association’s national meetings. (2013-2015)
Faculty at Houston Center for Psychoanalytic Studies:
Training and supervising psychotherapists
Board member of Houston Psychoanalytic Society:
Planning and organizing educational events
Officer on admission committee:
Selecting trainees for The Center of Psychoanalytic Studies
Officer on progression committee:
Tracking trainees’ progress in achieving academic and clinical goals
Conducting psychoanalysis (since 2002)
Since 1986- the private practice of psychotherapy includes:
- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Solution focused Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
- Couple Therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Corporate Coaching /Corporate Crisis Consultation Including:
- Phillips Petroleum explosion
- NY City – September 11, 2001 (Military and Wall Street firms)
- The Columbia shuttle explosion
- Off-shore crisis interventions (Gulf Riggs)
- V.A. and comprehensive mental health center (Israel): Community mental health outreach and rigorous work with families and individuals.
- Military experience provides support and education to families and soldiers to mitigate the impact of combat trauma.
License & Education
- Psychoanalysis
- Adult Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Child & Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Ericksonian Strategic Psychotherapy and Hypnosis (2 Years Certificate Studies at The Houston Institute For Ericksonian Hypnosis) Family and Marriage Psychotherapy EMDR Advanced Certificate Trainer of Critical Incident Stress Management (Certificate) Master of Social Work, University of Houston: Including Clinical Internship at Baylor College of Medicine Psychiatric Clinic Bachelor of Social Work, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Professional Affiliations:
- NASW-Licensed Master Social Worker
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Registered Trainer of CISM
- International critical Incident Stress Foundation
- American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
- International Psychoanalytical Organization
- Houston Psychoanalytic Society
- The American Psychoanalytic Association